1.How is season defined?

a) Spring,summer,fall,and winter

b) Rainy and dry season

c) A division of the year marked by changes in the weather

d) 23.5 degree axis tilt on the Earth's axis

e) solstices

2.What is a solstice?

a) When the sun is more inclined toward the north or south

b) When the sun is more inclined towards the south only

c) September 21

d) Both b and c

e) When the sun is more inclined towards the north only

3.What is an equinox?

a) equator

b) When the northern and southern hemispheres receive 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of sunlight

c) Tropic of Capricorn

d) When the sun is neither more inclined toward the north or south

e) Both b and d

4.Why do we have seasons?

a) vernal equinox

b) 23.5 degree tilt in the Earth's axis

c) autumnal equinox

d) solstices

e) none of the above

5.The days are longer in the south and shorter in the north. Pick all that apply.

I. Summer solstice in the south

II.Winter solstice in the north

III.Tropic of Capricorn

a)I only

b)I and III

c)II only

d)I, II, and III

e)III only